Agius Funeral Directors International is a funeral company in Malta specialising in repatriation services and international transportation of the deceased. Our experience in this field, shared and combined with our global network offers reputable funeral companies, enable us to organise a repatriation service all over the world in the shortest possible time and with full peace of mind.
All arrangements and formalities for repatriation, including preparation of the body, the type of coffin used, how it is sealed, the supporting documentation and airport handling are conducted in conformance with international health, airline and statutory regulations.
Our comprehensive service is what differentiates us from any other funeral company in Malta and is the reason why Agius Funeral Directors International is the selected funeral company for most embassies, high commissions, travel and insurance companies.
Ripatrijazzjoni tal-mejjet
L'arrangamenti kollha, formalitajiet ghar-ripatrijazzjoni, inkluz il-preparazzjoni tal-gisem, it-tebut uzat, kif huwa ssigillat, id-dokumentazzjoni, l'ajruport u sostenn ta' imminiggjar jitmexxew b'konformita ma sahha internazzjonali ta' l'ajru u regolamenti statutorja.
Servizz komprensiv taghna huwa dak li tiddistingwi lilna minn kwalunkwa kumpanija tal-funeral ohra f'Malta u hija ir-raguni ghaliex id-Diretturi Agius Funeral Internazzjonali hija l-kumpaniji maghzula minn Ambaxxati, kummissjonijiet gholja, kumpaniji ta' l'ivvjaggar u ta' l'assugurazzjoni.